Latex document formatting software

TeX is a typesetting language. Instead of visually formatting your text, you enter your manuscript text intertwined with TeX commands in a plain text file. You then run TeX to produce formatted output, such as a PDF file. Thus, in contrast to standard word processors, your document is a separate file that does not pretend to be a representation of the final typeset output, and so can be easily edited and manipulated.

Installing TeX and LaTeX

If you are looking to install a complete system, we recommend TeX Live for Unix/GNU/Linux, MacTeX for MacOSX, and MiKTeX for Windows (though both TeX Live and MiKTeX support all common platforms). These distributions are (almost entirely) free software and can be downloaded and installed at no charge. See their home pages.

Online (La)TeX documentation

Here is just a little of the principal TeX documentation available on the web. A more complete list of documentation links is available.

Plain TeX (more on plain TeX): TeX by Topic, by Victor Eijkhout.

Fonts: a discussion of the fonts available for use with TeX is available separately.

Books to buy

See these additional documentation links for many more books and other references.

Sample LaTeX documents

The basic procedure is to create plain text files in any editor or GUI front end (TeXworks, TeXShop, GNU Emacs, etc.), and then run pdflatex myfile.tex from a command line to get PDF output. Or run latex to get DVI output, instead of PDF.

Help using TeX

Happy typesetting! This file is public domain. $Date: 2024/04/27 21:42:16 $;