Computing Handbook Two-Volume Set

Computing Handbook: Two-Volume Set book cover

Renamed and expanded to two volumes, the Computing Handbook, Third Edition (previously the Computer Science Handbook ) provides up-to-date information on a wide range of topics in computer science, information systems (IS), information technology (IT), and software engineering. The third edition of this popular handbook addresses not only the dramatic growth of computing as a discipline but also the relatively new delineation of computing as a family of separate disciplines as described by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS), and the Association for Information Systems (AIS).

Both volumes in the set describe what occurs in research laboratories, educational institutions, and public and private organizations to advance the effective development and use of computers and computing in today’s world. Research-level survey articles provide deep insights into the computing discipline, enabling readers to understand the principles and practices that drive computing education, research, and development in the twenty-first century. Chapters are organized with minimal interdependence so that they can be read in any order and each volume contains a table of contents and subject index, offering easy access to specific topics.

Table of Contents

Overview of Computer Science
Structure and Organization of Computing Peter J. Denning
Computational Thinking Valerie Barr

Algorithms and Complexity
Data Structures Mark Weiss
Basic Techniques for Design and Analysis of Algorithms Edward Reingold
Graph and Network Algorithms Samir Khuller and Balaji Raghavachari
Computational Geometry Marc van Kreveld
Complexity Theory Eric Allender, Michael Loui, and Kenneth Regan
Formal Models and Computability Tao Jiang, Ming Li, and Bala Ravikumar
Cryptography Jonathan Katz
Algebraic Algorithms Angel Diaz, Erich Kaltofen, and Victor Pan
Some Practical Randomized Algorithms and Data Structures Eli Upfal and Micheal Mitzenbacher
Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics Teo Gonzalez
Combinatorial Optimization Vijay Chandru and M.R. Rao
Graph Drawing Ioannis "Yanni" G. Tollis
Pattern Matching and Text Compression Algorithms Maxime Crochemore and Thierry Lecroq
Distributed Algorithms Rachid Guerraoui

Architecture and Organization
Digital Logic Miriam Leeser
Memory Systems Yoongu Kim and Onur Mutlu
Storage Systems Alexander Thomasian
High-Speed Computer Arithmetic Earl E. Swartzlander, Jr.
Input/Output Devices and Interaction Techniques Ken Hinckley, Robert J.K. Jacob, Colin Ware, Jacob O. Wobbrock, and Daniel Wigdo
Performance Enhancements Joseph Dumas
Parallel Architectures Michael J. Flynn and Kevin W. Rudd
Multi-Core Architectures and Their Software Landscape Raphael Poss
DNA Computing John Reif

Computational Science, Graphics, and Visual Computing
Computational Electromagnetics J.S. Shang
Computational Fluid Dynamics David Caughey
Computational Astrophysics Jon Hakkila, Derek Buzasi, and Robert Thacker
Computational Chemistry J. Phillip Bowen, Frederick J. Heldrich, Clyde R. Metz, Shawn C. Sendlinger, Neal E. Tonks, and Robert M. Panoff
Computational Biology: The Fundamentals of Sequence-Based Techniques Steven Thompson
Terrain Modeling for the Geosciences Laura Toma and Herman Haverkort
Geometric Primitives Alyn P. Rockwood
Computer Animation Daniel Thalmann

Intelligent Systems
Paraconsistent Logic-Based Reasoning for Intelligent Systems Kazumi Nakamatsu
Qualitative Reasoning Kenneth Forbus
Machine Learning Stephen Marsland
Explanation-Based Learning Gerald DeJong
Search D. Kopec, J.L. Cox, and S. Lucci
Planning and Scheduling Roman Bartak
Natural Language Processing Nitin Indurkhya
Understanding Spoken Language Gokhan Tur
Neural Networks (Perceptrons)
Cognitive Modeling Eric Chown
Graphical Models for Probabilistic and Causal Reasoning Judea Pearl

Networking and Communication
Network Organization and Topologies William Stallings
Routing Protocols Radia Perlman
Access Control Ravi Sandhu, Pierangela Samarati, and Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati
Data Compression Khalid Sayood
Localization in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (UW-ASNs) Dario Pompili and Baozhi Chen
Semantic Web Pascal Hitzler
Web Search Engines: Practice and Experience Tao Yang

Operating Systems
Process Synchronization and Interprocess Communication Craig E. Wills
Thread Management for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors Thomas E. Anderson, Brian N. Bershad, Edward Lazowska, and Henry Levy
Virtual Memory Peter J. Denning
Secondary Storage and File Systems Marshall Kirk McKusick
Performance Modeling and Analysis of Computer Systems Alex Thomasian
Resource Sharing and Interconnectivity of Distributed Systems: QoS Perspective Rajkumar Buyya and Mohsen Amini
Real-Time Computing Sanjoy Baruah
Distributed and Multiprocessor Scheduling Yves Robert
Distributed File Systems and Distributed Memory T.W. Doeppner, Jr.
Mobile Operating Systems Ralph Morelli and Trishan de Lanerolle
Service Oriented Operating Systems Stefan Wesner

Programming Languages
Imperative Language Paradigm Michael Jipping and Kim Bruce
The Object-Oriented Language Paradigm Raimund Ege
Logic Programming and Constraint Logic Programming Jacques Cohen
Multi-Paradigm Languages Michael Hanus
Scripting Languages Bob Noonan
Compilers and Interpreters Kenneth Louden
Type Systems Stephanie Wierich
Programming Language Semantics David Schmidt
Formal Methods Jonathan Bowen and Michael Hinchey

The Discipline of Software Engineering
The Discipline of Software Engineering: An Overview Jorge Diaz-Herrera and Peter Freeman
Software Business and Economics Christof Ebert
Professionalism and Certification Stephen B. Seidman
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Donald Gotterbarn
Open Source and Governance; COTS Brian M. Gaff, Gregory J. Ploussios, and Brian R. Landry

Software Quality and Measurement
Evidence-Informed Software Engineering and Systematic Literature Review David Budgen and Pearl Brereton
Software Quality and Model-Based Software Improvement Ozlem Albayrak
Empirical Software Engineering David Budgen and Barbara Kitchenham
Software Metrics and Measurements David Zubrow

Software Development Process, Paradigms, and Management
Service-Oriented Development Andy Wang and Jack Zheng
Agile Development John Favaro
Software Development: Management and Business Concepts Michael Cusumano
Project Personnel and Organization Paul McMahon and Tom McBride
Project and Process Control James McDonald

Software Modeling, Analysis, and Design
Requirements Elicitation Dan Berry
Specification Andrew McGettrick
Model Checking Alistair Donaldson
Software Design Strategies Len Bass
Software Architecture Bedir Tekinerdogan
Human-Computer Interfaces for Speech Applications Juan Gilbert

Software Construction
Software Product Lines Jorge Diaz-Herrera and Melvin Perez-Cedano
Software Assurance Nancy Mead

Disciplinary Foundations and Global Impact
Evolving Discipline of Information Systems Heikki Topi
Discipline of Information Technology Barry M. Lunt and Han Reichgelt
Information Systems as a Practical Discipline Juhani Iivari
Information Technology Han Reichgelt, Joseph J. Ekstrom, Art Gowan, and Barry M. Lunt
Sociotechnical Approaches to the Study of Information Systems Steve Sawyer and Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi
IT and Global Development Erkki Sutinen
Using ICT for Development, Societal Transformation, and Beyond Sherif Kamel

Technical Foundations of Data and Database Management
Data Models Avi Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, and S. Sudarshan
Tuning Database Design for High Performance Philippe Bonnet and Dennis Shasha
Access Methods Apostolos N. Papadopoulos, Kostas Tsichlas,Anastasios Gounaris, and Yannis Manolopoulos
Query Optimization Nicolas Bruno
Concurrency Control and Recovery Michael J. Franklin
Distributed and Parallel Database Systems M. Tamer Özsu and Patrick Valduriez
Multimedia Databases Vincent Oria, Ying Li, Chitra Dorai, and Michael E. Houle

Data, Information, and Knowledge Management
Building Conceptual Modeling on the Foundation of Ontology Andrew Burton-Jones and Ron Weber
Data and Information Quality Research Hongwei Zhu, Stuart E. Madnick, Yang W. Lee, and Richard Y. Wang
Knowledge Management Sue Newell and Marco Marabelli
Digital Libraries Edward A. Fox, Monika Akbar, Sherif Hanie El Meligy Abdelhamid, Noha Ibrahim
Elsherbiny, Mohamed Magdy Gharib Farag, Fang Jin, Jonathan P. Leidig, and Sai Tulasi Neppali
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Jennifer Jie Xu
Big Data Stephen Brobst and Bill Franks
Governance of Organizational Data and Information Walid el Abed and Paul Brillant Feuto Njonko

Analysis, Design, and Development of Organizational Systems
Design Science Research Alan R. Hevner
Identifying Opportunities for IT-Enabled Organizational Change Matti Rossi and Juho Lindman
Deconstructing Enterprise Systems Paul Devadoss
Enterprise Architecture Martin Meyer and Markus Helfert
Business Process Management and Business Process Analysis Jan vom Brocke and Christian Sonnenberg
Information Requirements Determination Glenn J. Browne
From Waterfall to Agile Joey F. George
Human-Centered System Development Jennifer Tucker
Developing and Managing Complex, Evolving Information Infrastructures Ole Hanseth
Impact of Culture on Information Systems Design and Use Dianne Cyr

Human–Computer Interaction and User Experience
Usability Engineering John M. Carroll and Mary Beth Rosson
Task Analysis and the Design of Functionality David Kieras and Keith A. Butler
Designing Multimedia Applications for User Experience Alistair Sutcliffe
Applying International Usability Standards Tom Stewart
Designing Highly Usable Web Applications Silvia Abrahão, Emilio Insfran, and Adrian Fernandez
Transforming HCI William M. Gribbons and Roland Hübscher

Using Information Systems and Technology to Support Individual and Group Tasks
Individual-Level Technology Adoption Research Viswanath Venkatesh, Michael G. Morris, and Fred D. Davis
Computer Self-Efficacy George M. Marakas, Miguel I. Aguirre-Urreta, and Kiljae Lee
Developing Individual Computing Capabilities Saurabh Gupta
Role of Trust in the Design and Use of Information Technology and Information Systems Xin Li
Impacts of Information Systems on Decision-Making Emre Yetgin, Matthew L. Jensen, and Teresa Shaft
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work Steven E. Poltrock
Information Technology for Enhancing Team Problem Solving and Decision Making Gert-Jan de Vreede, Benjamin Wigert, Triparna de Vreede, Onook Oh, Roni Reiter-Palmon, and Robert Briggs
Organizational Adoption of New Communication Technologies Jonathan Grudin
Social Media Use within the Workplace Ester S. Gonzalez and Hope Koch

Managing and Securing the IT Infrastructure and Systems
Virtualization of Storage and Systems Yang Song, Gabriel Alatorre, Aameek Singh, Jim Olson, and Ann Corrao
Cloud Computing Sharon E. Hunt, John G. Mooney, and Michael L. Williams
Enterprise Mobility Carsten Sørensen
Sustainable IT Edward Curry and Brian Donnellan
Business Continuity Nijaz Bajgoric
Technical Foundations of Information Systems Security Daniela Oliveira and Jedidiah Crandall
Database Security and Privacy Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Sara Foresti, Sushil Jajodia, and Pierangela Samarati
Behavioral Information Security Management Merrill Warkentin and Leigh Mutchler
Privacy, Accuracy, and Accessibility of Digital Business Ryan T. Wright and David W. Wilson
Digital Forensics Vassil Roussev

Managing Organizational Information Systems and Technology Capabilities
Organizing and Configuring the IT Function Till Winkler and Carol V. Brown
Topics of Conversation: The New Agenda for the CIO Joe Peppard
Information Technology Management Frameworks Hillol Bala and V. Ramesh
Sourcing Information Technology Services Mary Lacity and Leslie Willcocks
IS/IT Project Management Laurie J. Kirsch and Sandra A. Slaughter
IS/IT Human Resource Development and Retention Thomas W. Ferratt and Eileen M. Trauth
Performance Evaluation/Assessment for IS Professionals Fred Niederman
Financial Information Systems Audit Practice Micheal Axelsen, Peter Green, and Gail Ridley

Information Systems and the Domain of Business Intertwined
Strategic Alignment Maturity Jerry Luftman
Process of Information Systems Strategizing Anna Karpovsky, Mikko Hallanoro, and Robert D. Galliers
Information Technology and Organizational Structure M. Lynne Markus
Open Innovation Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa
Inter-Organizational Information Systems Charles Steinfield
Future of Information Systems Success William DeLone, Ephraim McLean, and Darshana Sedera
Business Value of IS Investments Ellen D. Hoadley and Rajiv Kohli
Information Technology and Firm Value Sunil Mithas and Henry C. Lucas, Jr.